On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: How Germs Spread

Winter months usually mean more people are getting sick. We know germs spread quickly. In a simple experiment, we can see how germs move around using a harmless lotion visible only under a black light. Meteorologist Sabrina Bates explains in this week’s Science With Sabrina.

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Sneezing and coughing are two of the most disgusting things that happen during cold and flu season. By not covering your mouth or nose, thousands of germs are released around you and onto your hands. It’s one thing if you wash them properly, but, if not, that bacteria spreads and it spreads fast. Nearly 80 percent of illness-related germs come from your hands.


We’re going to simulate how germs spread from person to person in an everyday work environment. I’m using these two objects: Glo Germ and an ultraviolet light. This is a lotion that simulates germs. It’s non-toxic and glows under the uv light.

This process is going to show us how germs spread around so quickly. Remember, the lotion we’re using isn’t actual germs.

STEPS: First we apply the harmless Glo Germ lotion onto our hands. Obviously, can’t see germs with our own eyes. So, that’s why we’re using this lotion. It’s only visible under the black light.

I tested how germs spread around by having multiple people in our newsroom use the lotion.

Think of this way. If one of them were to sneeze or cough in their hands (and continue working without disinfecting them), the germs would begin to transfer to other objects. After just about 15 minutes, I checked each person’s desk.

Under the black light, you can see the Glo Germ spread to cups, computers, and headphones. Wherever you see a white mark, that’s where the germs would end up. If someone else came in and picked up the same controller or touched the same desk, the germs would hop over to their hands.


To prevent germs from spreading, it’s important to thoroughly clean our hands. After washing our hands quickly, traces of Glo Germ can still be found.

Glo Germ and the black light are a great way for parents and teachers to show young kids why they need to wash their hands the right way.

Segment Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: How Ice Melts Faster

With the potential of winter weather, snow or ice could glaze our sidewalks and roads. There is one way to reduce the slickness of the ice: that’s to add some salt! Meteorologist Sabrina Bates answers the question, “why does ice melt faster with salt?” on this week’s Science With Sabrina.

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We know that ice is the frozen form of water. Water freezes at 32°F. Water and ice have an even exchange of melting and freezing. But, when salt is added to the equation, this can change. It lowers the freezing point of the water. With this imbalance using the salt, the ice melts faster.

A simple example of how this is possible is to try melting it ice with different items.

I tested how long it takes for ice to melt with rock salt and without any. I put a few ice cups in each cup. The temperature in the room was constant. I added a good shake of rock salt to one cup. Then, I watched the ice melt.

Notice over an hour, the rock salt helps the ice cubes melt. This is because of the freezing point depression. The salt makes it harder for the water molecules to bond together in a rigid structure. It helps the ions break down. The ice cubes without salt took over 2 hours to completely melt into liquid water.

Salt is just one way to melt ice on sidewalks and on roads. Many towns use salt brines, ice melt, and even beet juice.

Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


News On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: How Snowflakes Are Different

During the winter, sometimes we’ll associate cold with snow. But, have you looked closely at a snowflake before? Meteorologist Sabrina Bates answers the question “why are no two snowflakes alike?” on this week’s Science With Sabrina.

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The reason why we know the six-sided shape of the snowflake is because of water molecules. The molecules connect together in the shape of a hexagon. The hexagon links together with other hexagons and grows outward.

The outside edges of the snowflake grow last, so when you look at it closely, you can tell what weather conditions it was in previously.

The next time it snows, head outside with a black piece of paper. When the snowflakes hit the paper, you’ll be able to closely look at them and identify what kind it is. You’ll be able to see individual flakes or even flakes that collided together. 

Temperature and humidity are the main factors that affect the exact shape of the flake. Low humidity forms simple plates. Higher humidity forms more complex structures. Temperatures near freezing will form larger flakes since it can hold more moisture. As the temperature drops, flakes with less branches are more common.

For example, around 28 degrees, thin plates and stars grow. At 23 degrees, columns and needle shapes form. At negative 22 degrees, there’s a combination of plates and columns.

But, it’s more complicated than that. The atmosphere is turbulent allowing for the arms of a flake to change shape. So, no matter how much you replicate the temperature and humidity, no two snowflakes will be exactly the same.

A good hands-on example for kids is to cut out snowflakes from a piece of paper. We all did this growing up. You know that no matter how many times you try to make it the same, it usually ends up looking a little different.

Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: Types Of Winter Precipitation

Winter means cold days and cold nights. But, sometimes the temperature hovers right around freezing. If that happens, there’s a chance for not only rain and snow, but also sleet and freezing rain. It’s all complicated to forecast. Meteorologist Sabrina Bates answers the question, “how can we get both sleet and snow at the same time? on this week’s Science With Sabrina.

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We know that precipitation is a form of water that falls from clouds. The temperature between the clouds and the ground is key to figure out what type of winter weather we get.

Let’s break it down.

In winter, we get four main types of precipitation: rain, freezing rain, sleet, and snow. Rain begins as liquid water and falls through warm air, so it stays as rain. Snow starts as a snowflake and falls through cold air, so it stays as snow. The tricky part is sleet and freezing rain. 

It has to do with the freezing line. When the freezing line inches south, there’s a mix of cold and warm air above us.

Here’s another way to look at it. Freezing rain begins as a mix of rain and snow. As it falls, there’s a big bubble of warm air that it runs into. This causes it all to melt. But, the temperature near the ground is cold. So, the rain freezes when it hits a cold surface. This could lead to an ice storm. 

Sleet is similar. But, there’s less warm air to melt it all. It begins as snow, melts quickly, and freezes again. This causes it to looks like small pieces of hail.

Sleet, freezing rain, and snow can, of course, cause the roads to be slick, especially on bridges and overpasses.

Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: Christmas Light Circuits

The countdown to Christmas is on, and so is turning on the holiday lights. But, once you flip the switch, do you ever notice how part of the strand isn’t working? Meteorologist Sabrina Bates explains why using circuits in this week’s Science With Sabrina.

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Any type of light flows an electric current. In a closed circuit, electricity will travel through and cause the light to glow. But, what if the circuit is open, or broken? Then no electricity will flow through and the light won’t be illuminated.

Christmas lights are similar, except there’s obviously more than one light. To connect multiple lights to one power source, the lights need to be attached in series or in parallel.

We’re creating our own circuits using old Christmas lights, foil, tape, and batteries.

First, let’s create lights in series. Tape down the folded pieces of foil and connect the cut lights to them. Place a battery on the foil, and it lights up! When the lights are attached, electricity flows from one light to the next light until it reaches the power source. If one bulb blows out, all of the lights go out. 

Now, let’s create lights in parallel. Each light has it’s own power source. So, if one light blows, it doesn’t affect the rest.

Onto the Christmas strands we know and love: some holiday lights are neither one way or another. Lights in series and in parallel are connected together. With this method, only a section of lights will go out, instead of them all. 

Segment Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: Making Oobleck

We know that objects can either be a solid, liquid, or a gas. But, have you ever wondered if a substance can be placed into more than one of these categories? Meteorologist Sabrina Bates answers that question by making something called Oobleck in this week’s Science With Sabrina.

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Before we make the Oobleck, let’s review matter. A solid is an object that has a definite shape and size. Liquid has a definite size, but no definite shape. A gas has no definite size or shape. But, there are some unusual materials that can act like multiple states of matter. These are called non-newtonian fluids.

Non-Newtonian fluids are substances that don’t behave like we expect them to. We’re explaining why using cornstarch and water.


It’s a two to one ratio. I’m mixing 2 cups of cornstarch with one cup of water. I added some peppermints for a holiday Oobleck. Once completely mixed, it will feel like honey.

Now, I grab the Oobleck and form a ball. It becomes a solid.  When I release the pressure of my fist, the Oobleck becomes a liquid and runs through my fingers.

When I punch the Oobleck with a lot of force, it acts as a solid. Now, I slowly let my hand sink through the Oobleck with little force. It acts as a liquid.

The Oobleck flows at a different rate depending how much pressure is applied to it. It flows slower when there’s a force and much faster when the force is removed.

Ketchup, honey, and toothpaste are also non-newtonian fluids because they act differently when stress is applied to them.

Segment Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: Growing The Grinch’s Heart

One of the best parts of the holiday season are the traditions. A classic tradition is watching Christmas movies, especially The Grinch. The Grinch’s heart was two sizes too small. However, Meteorologist Sabrina Bates shows us how you can change the size of his heart on this week’s Science With Sabrina.

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The Grinch’s heart is small because he doesn’t love Christmas. But, it starts to grow when he finds love and joy in the season.

In this experiment, we’re growing his heart by using science… and the following items: white vinegar, baking soda, an empty water bottle, a balloon, and a red marker.

You begin by drawing the Grinch’s small heart on the balloon. Use a funnel to put a few tablespoons of baking soda in the balloon, and pour some vinegar in the bottle. Now, without dumping any baking soda in the bottle, attach the balloon to the top of the bottle.

Get ready for some science to happen!

Shake the baking soda from the balloon into the bottle. The balloon starts inflating, growing the Grinch’s heart! You can watch the Grinch’s heart grow three sizes.

This is a simple chemical reaction using baking soda and vinegar. It formed the gas carbon dioxide and filled up the balloon. It’s all chemistry. This happens because one is a base and one is an acid. The initial reaction forms two new chemicals.

One of the new chemicals begins to decompose into water and carbon dioxide gas. It rises to the top and creates the bubbles and foam you see.

Segment Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: Dancing Cranberries

It’s the holiday season, so you’re probably cooking up a storm. You can even learn a little science when it comes to food. Meteorologist Sabrina Bates uses a Thanksgiving staple for a lesson on buoyancy in this week’s Science With Sabrina.  

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Buoyancy is the ability for an object to either float or sink in a fluid.

We used fresh and dried cranberries, and we placed them in both tap water and a carbonated drink. Let’s see what happens.

In the tap water, dried cranberries sink and fresh cranberries float. When I cut open a fresh cranberry, there’s air pockets. This allows it to float. The dried cranberries sink to the bottom, since they’re heavier than water.

It’s a simple force in physics. But, I can change the buoyancy of the object, all by placing it in the carbonated beverage.

Before, the dried fruit was heavy and sunk to the bottom. When I put the dried cranberries in the carbonated drink, they begin to dance up and down.

That’s because the soda has tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide gas in it. When the bubbles attach to the rough surface of the dried cranberry, it rises to the top. This increases the buoyancy. But once it gets to the top, the bubbles pop. This causes the cranberry to lose buoyancy and sink.

This process continues over and over again until most of the carbon dioxide bubbles escape. Overtime, the cranberries will also become too soggy and become too heavy to rise to the surface.

You can change the buoyancy of a few different dried fruits, too. Try it out at home and see if you get a different result.

Segment Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: Winter Roads

We’ve already had winter weather this month, and we’ll likely see some more this season. The big problem is our roads become icy. Meteorologist Sabrina Bates explains where the slickest spots are in this week’s Science With Sabrina.  

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Winter comes with a glaze of ice on your car. It gets even worse when you get on the roads, and they’re slick. With winter weather, that’s always a possibility.

Anytime the temperature drops to near or below freezing we run the risk of our roads becoming slick. This can be from rain, sleet, or snow.

But, there’s a few areas that are more prone to turning slick than others. These are elevated surfaces, such as bridges and overpasses.

On a normal road, the heat from the earth could manipulate the road temperature. If the ground temperature is too warm, rain won’t freeze and snow won’t stick.

Bridges and overpasses are different. There’s no heating happening. Cold air is able to flow above the road and under the road. This allows for the road temperature to get colder, faster.

The Arkansas Department of Transportation, or ArDOT, knows this is true too, especially on Interstate 49.

ArDOT spokesman, Danny Straessle, explained, “With the high elevation that this highway is in, with the height of some of the overpasses, it’s likely that these structures are your first challenge areas anytime the temperature goes below freezing.”

Another challenge for drivers is the elevation change in the mountains.

You start at an elevation of over 400 feet in Alma, then climb up the terrain to near 1800 feet in Winslow before you drop a bit as you head into the plateau of Northwest Arkansas. These slight inclines can cause your vehicle to lose traction.

Segment Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: Static Electricity

Winter months mean cold and dry weather.  We know that leads to static electricity. You touch a door handle, and zap! You get a tiny shock. Meteorologist Sabrina Bates explains why that happens in this week’s Science With Sabrina.

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It all begins with matter. Small atoms are broken up into tinier pieces: those are neutrons, protons, and electrons. Protons are positively charged. Electrons are negatively charged.

Most objects we come across are electrically neutral. That means the protons and neutrons balance out.

Sometimes we get an electrical shock when there is an imbalance between the two. This usually happens when there’s friction or rubbing between objects.

Let’s say you rub your feet across a carpet. There’s friction between your shoes and the rug. All of the negative charges from your body will attach to the carpet.

You become positively charged. static buildup happens. When you touch something metal, all of the negative charges on that metal jump to you to restore balance.

The same thing happens with a tin can and a balloon. By rubbing a balloon on my head, negative charges build up on the balloon. The tin can is a metal and has positive charges. I’m able to pull the light object towards the balloon since it wants to restore balance.

We see this happen more often in winter because of a lack of humidity. Water vapor allows any charge build up in our bodies to dissipate in the air. Static electricity is worse in winter if your clothes are made of wool or artificial fibers.

Segment Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: Car Tires In Winter

You can expect frigid mornings as we head into winter. If it gets cold enough, we can also expect the “low tire pressure” light to turn on in our vehicles. It’s common knowledge that this happens. On this week’s Science With Sabrina, Meteorologist Sabrina Bates explains why.

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The visual look of a tire becoming flatter is because of a temperature and pressure relationship.

This has to do with the ideal gas law. Each letter represents a part of the equation. A scientist would move variables around to get the right relationship. This is what you need to know: as the temperature drops, pressure drops; and as the temperature rises, pressure rises.

A basic way to explain this is with a balloon. There’s a lot of pressure inside of it, since it’s blown up. The temperature of the outside surface is near 88 degrees.

Now, I release the balloon and let the pressure lower. The temperature reading dropped a bit to near 80 degrees.

Let’s say the temperature drops overnight from a cold front. Not only will you likely wake up to cold temperatures, but you’ll also likely notice a small drop in your tire’s pressure. A 10 degree temperature drop will cause the tire pressure to drop about 1 to 2 PSI.

To be safe, it’s always good to check your tires for low pressure during big temperature drops.

Segment Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning


On Air Science with Sabrina Seen on TV

Science With Sabrina: Why Leaves Change Color

There is no doubt we are feeling the cooler, fall weather this week. One of the best things that comes with the changing season is the colorful fall leaves! Meteorologist Sabrina Bates breaks down why this happens in this week’s Science With Sabrina.

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The science behind the fall foliage begins at the microscopic level in the leaf.  The mixture of all of the reds, oranges, and purples are from a chemical process that happens when the seasons change.


Leaves have chlorophyll, which gives them their green color. But, there’s also yellow to orange pigments, such as carotene and xanthophyll. For most of the year, these vivid colors are masked by the green. Let’s fast forward to fall.

The northern hemisphere begins to tilt away from the sun. We receive less sunlight, the days become shorter, and the temperatures drop. These changes cause the chlorophyll in leaves to break down. The green color disappears. And, the vibrant colors become visible.


The leaves will likely peak in Northwest Arkansas and Mount Magazine this upcoming weekend. If you want to go leaf peeping in the River Valley, the colors should peak November 9th-15th.

And, of course our weather can change that. We need the winds to stay calm so the leaves aren’t blown off of the trees.

Some of the best local scenic trails to drive along this fall include the Pig Trail, Talimena Drive, and the Mount Magazine Scenic Byway.

Segment Sponsored By: Sylvan Learning
